Concepts, unusual and surprising images on Midjourney


Painting of Emus in Independence Hall in Philadelphis, Pennsylvania in 1776 dressed in period clothing and looking over documents on a table

action scene with a secret agent running from enemies while holding and protecting a kitten in the style of a 1970 movie poster.

a happy robotic cyberpunk cat


a disheveled cat typing frantically on a laptop keyboard in an unorganized cubicle

Create an image of a cat teaching a dog, drawing complicated plans on a chalkboard

a happy robotic cyberpunk dog

cats and dogs in an animal shelter, dim lighting

a photorealistic representation of text to video AI generators, include a dog

human hand holding a dog's paw, sweet moment

Arrangement in Grey and Black No.1 with a cat, style of James McNeil Whistler (1871)

Fabulous looking person strutting down the street with her cat, colorful

Arrangement in Grey and Black No.1 with a cat, style of James McNeil Whistler (1871)

A cat summitting long's peak, dynamic mark making, simplistic vector art, fluid ink washe

A cat summitting long's peak, larme kei, comic art, catcore

A cat summitting long's peak, Van Gogh Style painting

Generate an evocative digital artwork depicting a poignant scene: A desolate court room interior illuminated by a single, dim light source. In the center of the frame, place a forlorn miniaturized dog sitting atop a solemn, sturdy sound block, as if it were a raised platform. The dog's eyes reflect a mixture of hope and anxiety, while its body language conveys vulnerability. Above the scene, a judge's gavel is depicted in the midst of descending, poised to strike the sound block the dog is sitting on. The gavel's motion should be frozen in a decisive moment, capturing the tension of impending judgment. Convey through the artwork the theme of the law making a grave decision, symbolized by the gavel's impending impact on the innocent dog. The contrast between the dog's vulnerability and the weight of authority in the gavel's descent should evoke a strong emotional response from viewers