About No Kill

No Kill is a movement that has been gaining momentum over the past few decades. We know that shelters can save every healthy or treatable homeless pet, and we have seen a small but rapidly growing number of shelters that now save more than 90% of all pets. Some are even saving over 95% and some save over 98% consistently.

Sidenote about Advocacy

In advocacy on behalf of nonviolence against pets, No Kill Colorado and the broader No Kill movement do not condone any form of violence.

No Kill Colorado wholly opposes any threat, violence, or such actions on people or organizations in its advocacy

Anyone taking such actions is not representative of No Kill Colorado.

At No Kill, we believe that euthanasia should only be used for animals that are untreatable and irremediably suffering. We define “Irremediable suffering” as an animal who has a poor or grave prognosis for being able to live without severe, unremitting physical pain even with prompt, necessary, and comprehensive veterinary care. This includes the rare pet that is irredeemably aggressive, where professional trainers or behaviorists have tried and could not find a way to change the pet’s behavior. These are the very rare candidates for euthanasia.  

We understand that shelters are criticized for their lack of saving every healthy or treatable pet by some advocates, and we would have to agree. We know shelters can get to 90% save rate virtually overnight. But that is not what No Kill is. It is saving EVERY healthy or treatable pet. The number is kind of irrelevant. We believe that the leadership is usually the issue when it comes to shelters not becoming the best they can be. Volunteers are the opposite, they are virtually never the issue. Volunteers are the lifeblood of every animal welfare organization.  

No Kill shelters can be open or limited admission, they exist in poor and affluent communities, north and south, red and blue states. Any community and shelter can do this. There is no excuse for a shelter to save every healthy or treatable pet. Using the Open Admission argument is a diversionary tactic, there are many open admission No Kill shelters and communities. You cannot say it is impossible if it already exists. 

The No Kill Equation is proven to change communities when implemented comprehensively with the help of a good leader. Shelters with many challenges and little resources have succeeded with it.  

At No Kill Colorado, our mission is to make Colorado the Safest Place for Homeless pets. We are always happy to answer any questions you may have about our movement and our goals. We invite you to learn more about No Kill and what we stand for. Our goal is very simple: to save every healthy and treatable homeless pet.


These are not necessarily No Kill Shelters, but that doesn’t matter if you are a homeless pet. 

Don’t Shop, Please Adopt.